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About the Founder

Family Knowledge Service

Mission: Our mission is to create an online library that provides the best resources and tools available for families to live happier, healthier lives.

Vera Galeas has 20+ years of experience in the field of Leadership and Program Development. She started her career in 1981 as a Family Life Coordinator in New York City. Here, she facilitated and organized projects which built homes for families in the Bronx Borough.  She later transitioned into evaluating family programs for churches and schools, where she identified gaps that caused a disconnect between the organization, the community and the families. 


Vera has an extensive background in designing, developing, implementing and assessing all functional aspects of a program to achieve its organizational goals. She has successfully developed and implemented various programs for the Archdiocese of New York and Montefiore Medical Center in the New York City area involving the Spanish community. For example; Family Programs, Parent Workshops, Youth Programs and various Education Empowerment opportunities. 


In addition her services and experiences encompass but are no limited to Consulting Services for Non-For-Profit development & implementation, designing training programs to meet organizational goals and more. 


Vera resides in New York with her loving husband of 43 years. When she's not helping an organization reach its goals or volunteering for different organizations, she spends her time with her 2 children and 3 grandchildren.



We at Families Today, Inc. are privileged to welcome HS Seniors as well as College Students. Through the years many have come and gone, but some have stayed long enough to continue the journey of helping others. They have become part of us in different capacities and we are grateful that their lives have shown the beauty of service. Below you will get to know who they are and why they do what they do...

Getting to know us...

My name is Saury Lara and I was born in the Dominican Republic. I immigrated to the United States when I was five years old and was tasked with learning a new language as well as adapting to life in the Bronx. Although I lived in a poor neighborhood, I strived to rise above my surroundings through the power of education. I was motivated to do as best as I could in school in order to ensure that I stayed on track to attend a great college. Even though I knew that I could not afford to pay for college as my single mother struggled to make ends meet, I trusted that I would be able to obtain a scholarship by excelling in my academics. 

As a result of all of my hard work, I was able to get accepted into the University of Notre Dame and obtain a full-ride scholarship. Notre Dame was my dream school due to its exceptional academic environment paired with a celebrated catholic tradition. I decided to major in Science- Business because I’ve always had an interest in both subjects and this allowed me to take classes that I actually enjoyed. By attending college, I was able to engage with many highly-intelligent individuals and expand my knowledge of how the world works. Additionally, college prepared me to step into the workforce right away and make a positive impact on society. 

After graduation, I accepted a position with an insurance company where I handle property and casualty claims. This position allows me to help people directly after they have suffered a loss to their home or auto. I have often had to handle difficult situations where our insureds have relied on me for guidance and support. I enjoy this position because I am able to help people when they are experiencing a sudden hardship. It is truly an incredible feeling to receive gratitude from someone after I have helped to return their lives back to normal. In addition to helping people through my job, I am also passionate about helping other immigrants like myself. Through Families Today Inc., I plan to give back to the members of my community by connecting them to useful resources and emphasizing the importance of education when it comes to succeeding in life. 




I have done volunteer work with Ms. Vera Galeas and GCA (Galeas Consulting Agency) for 3 summers now and each summer I have felt that I have helped to greatly improve the local community. When I first started working with Ms. Vera, I was just looking for a way to give back to my community and I could never have imagined learning all of the useful life skills she has taught me through her mentorship. Ms. Vera is very passionate about serving those who are underprivileged and ensuring that beneficial resources get into the hands of those who need them the most. Through all of the events and activities that I have helped her organize, I witnessed first-hand how much she cares about the people she interacts with. Ms. Vera is truly doing work that is making a big difference and I love aiding her in making the world a better place.

The Social Media Team:

Jaime Flores


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